Agricultural Climate Solutions Meeting in Maryland

Agricultural Climate Solutions Meeting in Maryland

Great to see the North American Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance in the news!  NACSAA is a North American farmer-led organization focused on promoting climate solutions in agriculture through the principles of sustainable intensification, mitigation and resilience.  I’ve worked with the NACSAA governing board over the last four years to integrate resilience thinking into their policy and programs.

Check out the article here!

“It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How”: Will Harris Featured on the BBC

“It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How”: Will Harris Featured on the BBC

Resilient Agriculture farmer Will Harris speaks to the BBC about a different model of livestock production – one that puts us on the path to a resilient food future.  Thank you, Will!

From “It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How” :

Gases which help to heat the atmosphere and contribute to climate change are a by-product of the cattle industry.

They include direct emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from cows, and carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from the likes of packaging, transportation and fertilisers.

But one farmer in the US state of Georgia believes a different way of farming means his cows can be part of the solution. Will Harris says “it’s not the cow, it’s the how”.